St Paul will be hosting a Fall Festival on October 22, 2022, starting at 10 am and finishing at 5 pm. Ann Milner and Zach Coffey are organizing this event, and have lots of exciting things in store for us! There will be activities for children, adults and seniors. For children, there will be a bounce house, face painting (Adults are welcome to join in on this!), candy, basketball, foosball, pool, ping pong and other activities. For Seniors, there will be trivia from before the 2000’s, bingo and word searches where you can win small prizes. For Everyone, there will be music and food, drinks and ice cream from food trucks to be enjoyed. There will also be cornhole for those interested in a lively game! The church will also have several areas set up for fall-themed photos to be taken.

There will also be a silent auction, where there will be themed baskets and hand made items for people to win. For those interested in contributing to the silent auction- please see the newsletter for needs and details on donating. Please contact Zach at 865-705-5373, or zachdc1123@yahoo.com with any questions or if you want to donate toward the silent auction.

This will be a wonderful time of fun, fellowship, and fall goodness- please make the time to join us!