
Learn to play Pickleball! Jeannia Chandler and Charlie Wilson love this game and are helping us form a group to learn it at St Paul. It is easy to play, easy on the joints, and lots of fun! They are offering us an opportunity to learn the basics of the game with a local coach at a reduced rate of $10 per person. Scot and Dawn are planning to learn and be a part of our own St Paul UMC Pickleball League!

We have arranged for two opportunities to attend the training sessions:

Thursday June 9th 2022 at 10 am, and Wednesday June 15 at 5 pm.

There are several ways to sign up:

You can call the church office and have Michelle put you on the list (865-687-2952)

You can call or email Jeannia Chandler: tnjchandler@gmail.com (865-824-8827)

Use Sign up Genius to sign up!

The sessions are at Inskip Park. Courts are outside near the swimming pool. Inskip Park is located at 301 W. Inskip Drive, Knoxville, TN. For more info or if you have questions, please contact Jeannia Chandler at 865-824-8827.

Please invite your friends and come join us!